L.K. Chen, T.K. Eccles, J.C. Meza, G.O. Morrell, A.H. Sherman, and W.J. Silliman, in PDE Software: Modules, Interface and Systems, B. Engquist and T. Smedsaas (Eds.), Elsevier Science Publishing, New York (1984).
Read MoreProfessor of Applied Mathematics | University of California, Merced
L.K. Chen, T.K. Eccles, J.C. Meza, G.O. Morrell, A.H. Sherman, and W.J. Silliman, in PDE Software: Modules, Interface and Systems, B. Engquist and T. Smedsaas (Eds.), Elsevier Science Publishing, New York (1984).
Read MoreP.M. Mira, J.C. Meza, A. Nandipati, and M. Barlow, Molecular Biology and Evolution (2015). doi: 10.1093/molbev/msv146.
P.M. Mira, K. Crona, D. Greene, J.C. Meza, B. Sturmfels, and M. Barlow, PLoS ONE, 10(5) (2015). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0122283.
P.M. Mira, K. Crona, D. Greene, J.C. Meza, and B. Sturmfels, arXiv:1406.1564 (2014).
H.S. Bhat, G.J. Vaz, and J.C. Meza, 2013 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, 1-6, (2013).
C. Yang and J.C. Meza, Linear Algebra and its Applications 436 (8), 2764-2779 (2012).
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